

Friday, July 26, 2013

Staying sharp..

Life, I found it's not an easy step a human being can penetrate life or through life. Especially for a thinker like I am. My brain flying over whole over the world and keep on working even when I am in silence. This is not necessary, I know. But what is happening to my mind everyday, most of the time bring me in to an over anxiety. I face sarcasm, critics, and these make my brain working even faster even while I'm sitting. This is who I am. “Myself”, with everything I am, was in the first hand was created by God in His own purpose. I’m trying to find out what is His purpose in me, but I can only thank Him for everything He planted in me. So what I do is to bring all critics to make me alert that I am living for a purpose that I'm trying to find out today. Every problem just to bring you stronger. I know, I can't wish for live to be easier, but myself to be better. Like a knive, all these matters around, just to make me sharper and avoid me from being blunt. Thank you God.

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